The other night my partner and I had really beautiful, intense sex. 

It wasn’t just about having hot sex…the sex we experienced that night was even more connected, intimate, liberating and deeply erotic. 

And while those qualities are usually present when we have sex, I’ve also noticed recently that they’re more present when I have been able to fully tap into my sexual energy before sex and really honor myself (and even my partner) with ritual. 

The reason the sex was so intense, heart-opening and orgasmic was because I had done my personal pre-sex ritual throughout the day. 

The quality of sex (or self pleasure) that I experience is deeply affected by how turned on I am. What is your experience like with this?

This is true because your turn on is your sexual energy. 

The more turned on you are before sex or self pleasure, the more you’ll get out of it. 

More of whatever it is that sex provides for you. 

For me, sex (or self pleasure) provides orgasmic states of pleasure, deep love, connection, intimacy, being seen, being safe, being desired and feeling my erotic energy and nature even more. 

My lover and I usually have a sex date at least once a week where the sex is scheduled, which gives me plenty of time during the morning, afternoon and evening to prepare myself before we come together. 

Sometimes we have more random sex that isn’t planned or I’ll choose to have a self pleasure date with myself and what I’m sharing with you today is what allows me to feel more orgasmic and turned on before, during and even after sex. 

I have a pre-sex ritual that I do. I also do this before self pleasure, because I like to build up sexual energy for solo sex just as much as I desire to build up sexual energy for sex with my partner.

The more turned on you are, the more open and ready your body, heart, soul and pussy are. 

This pre-sex ritual fits seamlessly into my day because of the work that I do, personally and professionally, so I’ll share a few ways you can bring it in for yourself.

In my weekly vlog I’m going to share my pre-sex ritual with you and 7 ways you can turn yourself on before solo or partnered sex!

The amazing thing is that you can do them as a whole ritual, either spread out throughout your day or all at once right before you have sex or begin self pleasuring (as a long ritual of foreplay and worship). 

Or you can pick and choose a few to do throughout your week to keep you feeling juicy, turned on and tapped into your pleasure and sexual energy! 

Replenishing yourself in this erotic, turned on state through cultivating sexual energy daily will allow you to easily drop into being more turned on and ready for sex…and more often!

Learn more about my personal pre-sex ritual and 7 ways you can turn yourself on before sex below!

Do you want to join me in ritual to unlock the full potential of your pleasure, sexual energy and orgasm this coming New Moon to experience sexual healing and orgasmic manifestation of your desires?

You’re invited to join me for an upcoming New Moon Sex Magic Ritual where you’ll be lead through a full 60-minute guided erotic ritual and jade egg practice to awaken sexual energy, heal the vagina and womb AND begin the beautiful process of orgasmic manifestation!

The New Moon Sex Magic Ritual & Jade Egg Practice will commence tonight on September 19th (the New Moon is on September 20th) at 6 pm EST3 pm PST. There will be a replay available for you to celebrate the New Moon on the 20th as well.

It’s totally complimentary and something I’m really passionate about offering.

All of the women who join my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery course get to play in ritual with me several times as we come together to honor our sexuality through jade egg rituals on the new and full moon so I wanted to offer a free taste if you’re not in the course…yet ✨

Click here to RSVP!

Having a jade egg for the sex magic ritual is totally optional, but it will supercharge your sexual energy and amplify your healing and orgasmic manifestations if you do have one. If you don’t have one, you’ll work with an “energetic egg.”

Other articles mentioned:

Orgasmic Breast Massage for Perky Breasts

5 Foreplay Moves to Make You SUPER Horny

If you’re done with being stuck sexually and you’re ready to say YES to MORE pleasure, sexual energy and orgasms while beginning, sustaining and deepening a regular jade egg practice, you can join us for Jade Egg Sexual Mastery right here. You’ll also get over $2,013 worth of extra bonuses, including a second jade egg course!

Registration closes on the 21st at 11:59 pm EST.