I spent most of my life as the Queen of the sexually repressed women. 

For years, I waxed and waned…constantly in flux between being overly sexual in very unhealthy ways or being so shut down that I couldn’t let myself feel anything during sex. 

When I was in my overly sexual phases I was called a dick tease a lot or slut shamed by female friends who would spread rumors about me and how so-and-so fingered me in a hot tub…when he definitely didn’t…but that’s another story for another time. 

When I wasn’t living in the shadows with being overly sexual, I was struggling with feeling sexually repressed. Shut down completely. A total prude. 

Judging other women who dressed a certain way or who were playing into more of the slut or seductress archetypes. The thing was that I was unconsciously craving to embody my own inner slut and seductress archetypes, but I was so sexually repressed that I didn’t realize it

I talked a little bit about some of the things that manifested in my body and life in one of my last video blogs as a result of repressing my sexuality. 

The more we repress our sexuality, the more it will twist, contort and distort into a more shadowy form of itself. 

Our sexuality includes the energy of life-force creation — which is our sex drive and biological need to evolve as a species and to evolve in consciousness spiritually. 

So what happens when you repress the very energy that creates life and drives it to evolve in all ways?

It becomes a shadow. It distorts. It becomes twisted, unhealthy and plays out unconsciously in other areas of your life. 

In this week’s video I’m sharing 5 signs that you might be sexually repressed.

This will give you awareness, which will allow you to begin consciously lifting the veil on your own hidden sexual shadows…and that is key if you want to experience the kind of sex, pleasure and orgasms that you truly crave to experience deep down.

And when your sexuality is moving towards becoming more healthy, holistic, sacred and conscious, everything else will move towards that as well.

You can sign up for my 7-Day Orgasmic Pleasure Challenge here! *Only available until 7/24

I also have a 30-minute Orgasmic Pleasure Breathwork Practice that goes along with this challenge. You can download it here.




P.S. If you want to learn how to cultivate a deeply sexual relationship with yourself and get the practices, techniques and rituals that will help you expand your pleasure, sexual energy and orgasm into your whole body (or deep into your pussy), then join my 6-week Orgasmic Pleasure Course for womxn.

*It’s open for a limited time (until 7/26) with early bird pricing $200 off until 7/24 at Noon EST


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